Epoch Church exists to catalyze God’s people for Kingdom Ministry in our Community and our World.
The Vision
Jesus' life, death, and resurrection literally changed the history of the world. The historical calendar markers B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini - “in the year of the Lord”) proved his impact was not just another event! His obedience to God led him to take our place on Calvary almost 2000 years ago and it changed everything by bringing hope to a hopeless world. A new epoch had begun. Epoch can be defined as the beginning of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something.
Jesus is still creating new epochs in people’s lives today. We believe that a relationship with Jesus changes everything - your faith, your focus, your family, and your future!
At Epoch Church we believe that One Changed Life Changes Everything! The impact of a life surrendered to Jesus impacts a household, a neighborhood, a community, a city, a state, a nation, the world, and generations to come! As Jesus’ disciples, we will continue to go into all the places he commissioned us by sharing our lives and our faith.
The Mission
Why Wilmington?
Most cities have a special moment or some sort of memorable historical event that makes it distinct. That period of time is often called an epoch. On November 10, 1898, Wilmington’s epoch unfortunately became home of the only successful military coup d'etat on U.S. soil. This insurrection by white militants murdered hundreds, injured thousands, and scattered the leadership of those in the black community as well as its white supporters and community leaders. This gravely impacted the trajectory of this city and some of its impact is still felt today.
While Wilmington is a beautiful city, with beautiful people, beautiful homes, and neighboring beautiful beaches - its past is not pretty at all. It’s amazing to see Wilmington thriving now, but one could contextually argue that its thriving pales in comparison during the Reconstruction Era (1861-1900). Not only was Wilmington the largest city in North Carolina at that time, but the economic, educational, and social progress of its Black Community was unparalleled.
It’s past time for a new epoch in this city and surrounding communities. This type of change can only happen through the unparalleled, unmatched power of Jesus Christ. There are numerous people in Wilmington and its surrounding communities who have not yet experienced an authentic relationship with their King. And one of the most strategic ways Jesus will make himself known to our community and world is through those he disciples. His plan for reaching the world has always been the local church. The church was never a man made concept, it originated with Jesus. He told his disciples, “...and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)Jesus will continue to build his Church through us in Wilmington and its surrounding communities. Envision the results the good news will have on this city, its surrounding communities, and the world when we leverage our education, skills, abilities, resources and lives for God's glory!