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Everybody has one, but how are you using it?

There are not many things on this planet without expiration dates. It’s not just our milk or eggs that spoil, no! Relationships can begin to sour, our health can decline, and eventually our material possessions will become meaningless!

I know. I know. You are wondering how on earth this is a word of encouragement? It’s coming, I promise! This is an urgent reminder not to waste your DASH. So, what is the dash?

As a pastor, I have walked with families through the difficult loss of a loved one. It is comforting hearing stories of their loved ones as it reminds us of their lasting impact. As we look at obituaries and visit gravesites, it’s impossible to ignore all the epitaphs. On them, we notice two dates - a birthdate and a final date. Between each date is an ultra thin horizontal line - the dash. Although it’s a puny punctuation mark, it preaches loudly to people!

If you are reading this, then you are living your dash right now, but how are you using it?

God is going to have a conversation with us about this DASH! He may ask us:

Did you trust me?

Did you count your blessings?

Did you bless others with those blessings?

How did you love your neighbor?

Who did you introduce me to?

Were you faithful with those lungs, hands, and feet I gave you?

Did you receive the Spirit I poured onto you, or did you reject his conviction, counsel, and comfort?

Did you accept my BEST offering for this fading world - my only son Jesus?

Make no mistake, God knows the brokenness we face in this world. In fact, it was our sin that brought all the expiration dates, but Jesus redeems us with eternal life! Angels could not fix it, priests and pastors couldn’t do it, prophets couldn’t do it, and miracles can’t fix it. Broken can’t fix broken. We needed someone who was unblemished and perfect in all their ways to become our substitute.

Jesus left his heavenly habitat, became a man, lived a life we could not live, and died a death we deserved to die in order to restore our broken relationships with this literal earth, ourselves, each other, and with Father God!

Jesus didn’t live, die, and resurrect for us to waste this precious dash. The dash is a symbol that represents an epoch. An epoch is a particular period of time in our lives marked by notable events!

At Epoch Church, we realize the most epoch event in anyone’s life is an encounter with Jesus. He chose us and changed us. Therefore, we will use our dashes to build his Kingdom on earth. We will love our neighbors, we will serve our community, we will share our lives and our testimonies, and we will seek the good of this city and its surrounding communities. Although this world may be expiring, the Kingdom built through his church can not be shaken!

Take some time and meditate on Ephesians 2:1-10 & Hebrews 12:25-29 and pray for Epoch Church as we make sure our dashes bring glory to God in Wilmington!

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Chris


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